


“Piecing Together/Performing a History: Grace, Accountability, and Action in My Own Coming to
                Performance Studies.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33.3 (2013): 270-272

Seven Easy Pieces and Performance Document(ation)s.” Theatre Annual 63 (2010): 64-88.

“On the Haunting of the Discipline.” Co-authored with Tracy Stephenson Shaffer. Liminalities: A
                Journal of Performance Studies
5.1 (2009)

“Neural Performance: Reconsidering Agency as the Embodiment of Neural Nets.” Text and Performance
                Quarterly 27.2 (April 2007): 107- 123.

“This Song is About My Mother: Music, Polyphonics, and Intersubjectivity in Three Movements.”
                Kaleidoscope 4 (Fall 2005): 35-48.

In Process

Becoming Digital: Politics of Transgression, Poetics of Care ------------------ Google doc, #becomingdigital
-project on performance of everyday life, high/low cultural splits,
& politics of transgression in digital contexts

NEH Digital Startup Grant --------------------------------------------- Google doc, #digitalgrants
-grant proposal for the creation and maintaing

of a digital storytelling library at CUNY BMCC

Natalie Bookchin Unnamed Essay----------------------------- Google doc, #MassOrnament

-essay on digital adaptation, archives, and video art

project Mass Ornament by video artist Natalie Bookchin

Compositional and Critical Strategies for Feminine Writing in Performance. Forthcoming response essay for a a communication and performance studies journal--------------------------- #revisinginpublic

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